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Run Amok Promotions


Pin Drop Concerts. The name should speak for itself. The artists “get it” immediately. It’s a listening room environment for serious music fans and acoustic artists. Please refrain from talking during the performance so that you and others can enjoy every nuance of every note. Please don’t take it personally if you get “shushed” by another patron. We encourage our patrons to tap other patrons on the shoulder should they need to be “shushed”. Of course, we want you to have fun! We want you to interact with the artist! and your friends, we just want the music to be the thing. You can enjoy a glass of wine, beer or choose from a wide selection of mixed drinks. No standing in lines for a plastic glass of mediocre wine! We’ll take care of you. Truly an unforgettable concert experience. Once you go Pin Drop, you can’t go back!

What the heck is a RunAmoker?

Coming December 1, 2012. As a Run Amoker, you will get advance notice of Pin Drop Concerts at least 10 days before the general public, you will be able to pick out your table or seats and have first right of refusal at every concert, you will be invited to “Run Amoker” only events, and lots more! We’ll be providing info to those who have expressed an interest over the next few weeks. If you love live music and you love the Pin Drop Concert series, you are gonna want to be a Run Amoker! And, hey, come on! It’s just fun to say! Run Amoker! Run Amoker!

We have started pre-selling memberships, so if you have an interest, email michelle@runamokpromotions.com. (If you have previously notified me, it’s cool! You don’t have to email again. Additional info coming soon. Blah, blah, blah. Yes, you’ve heard it before, but it’s really going to happen. Seriously!

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