Our E-mail address is: WMMusicHystericalSociety@yahoo.com
Kim Rush, Co-editor, Writer, Historian: kimdonaldrush@hotmail.com
Doug Taylor, Co-editor, Writer, Webmaster: WMMusicHystericalSociety@yahoo.com
Please leave a message, information about a band or musician, pictures, memorabilia, corrections concerning mistakes and misinformation, Top 40 play lists and posters, old newspaper ads about bands and musicians, notify us concerning other interesting music and history websites or band websites, and supply musician contact information such as addresses and e-mail addresses, etc.
Please include dates of pictures and other memorabilia whenever possible so that we can create a chronology. Please provide names of the people in your photos and where they were taken, etc.
Provide as much information as possible concerning your submissions, as it will ultimately make your postings more meaningful and interesting.
If you have a story to contribute, indeed contact us. If you need the story posted, but don’t want to write it, we will gladly interview you and write the story for you.
Thanks in advance for your contributions and comments. We appreciate it!
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