• Band: Natchez Trace (shown left to right): “Stevie Dee” (Steve Damstra), 53, lead guitar and vocals, Grand Rapids; Robin Spring, 48, rhythm guitar and vocals, Grand Haven; Ronnie Burke, 57, bass, guitar and vocals, Grand Rapids.
• Music style: “We call it acoustic classic Rock with cool harmonies.”
• Background: The group originated in Alabama in the mid-1970s and included Burke as one of its early members. In 1983, Burke and Damstra reformed the group after Damstra’s band, “Horsefeather” disbanded.
The third spot in the trio had been a revolving door until the arrival of Spring three years ago.
“Her rhythm guitar playing is really solid,” said Damstra. “And, the older we get, hitting the high notes gets really hard. Having her there really helps.”
• Influences: The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles and Crosby, Stills and Nash.
• “Hey, aren’t you …?”: Yes, Burke on occasion has been mistaken for singer David
• The group’s name, Natchez Trace: It’s named after an cted southern portions of the Mississippi River through Alabama to salt licks in today’s central Tennessee. The trail was used by the Natchez Indians.
• Explaining the group’s longevity: “When I hear other local bands, I hear a lot of good instrument playing,” said Damstra. “But they lack a good vocalist.We have three pretty good ones — that’s my humble opinion,” Damstra added with a laugh.
• Best experience: “Years and years ago — back in the ’80s — we played Celebration on the Grand (in Grand Rapids) and there were 80,000 people there,” said Damstra.
“In Muskegon, we played in front of 200,000 people at a pyrotechnics convention at Heritage Landing once. We opened for the Box Tops.”
• “What are we doing here” moment: “I remember we played a wedding one time, and we’re not a dance band. People kept asking for it (dance music) all night long,” recalls Damstra. “We kept thinking, ‘We don’t belong here.'”
“That’s not to say people don’t dance at our shows. But, that’s not our forte. We’re a listening band.”
Remember Natchez Trace’s Old Website? Well just click on the link below to go back in time, to view the venue pictures, band pictures, crowd pictures and the blog:
Kevin Radeke, Dan Parsons, Ronn Burke

“Natchez Trace Album Cover – I Miss Mississippi – 1973”
Dan Parsons, Kevin Radeke, Ronn Burke

Natchez Trace Record Cover "I Miss Mississippi" and "Ol 55" Dan Parsons, Kevin Radeke, Ronn Burke
“Natchez Trace – Electrified – 1977 c.”
Bob Rilley, Ronn Burke, Dan Parsons, Bud Chrysler

Electric Natchez Trace (L-R) Bob Riley, Ronn Burke, Dan Parsons, Bud Chrysler
“Natchez Trace – 1st Celebration on the Grand – 1985 c.”
Steve Damstra, Kevin Radeke, Ronn Burke

Natchez Trace 1985 c. Steve Damstra, Kevin Radake, and Ronn Burke - 1st Celebration on the Grand
“Natchez Trace – Oldies Classic Rock – 1988 c.”
John Andrews, Ronn Burke, Steve Damstra, Tom Dever

Natchez Trace Russo's Belding Dec. 1988
Click here for more pictures.
John Andrews YouTube Video – 1988 ?attachment_id=4072
“Natchez Trace Unplugged 1995 – 1997″
Steve Damstra, Max Morrison, Ronn Burke

Natchez Trace Final Night 1997
Click here for more pictures.
“Natchez Trace – Acoustic Classic Rock 2006 – 2011″
Steve Damstra, Robin Spring, Ronn Burke

Natchez Trace - The Bob
Click here for more pictures.
Click here for Ronn Burke’s Story
Video – John Andrews – Working Class Hero
Russo’s Belding – 1988 Click Link Below: